Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fourth Assignment: OUT

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Today was outside. I found this dead leaf amoung my new green leaves on the tree out front. I went to remove it and found out that it's part of a cocoon so I left it alone. I can't wait to find out what is inside. The sun is behind the treen in this photo.

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I took this picture of Liam after our ward's chili dinner on Saturday. It was sunset and the sun is behind me.

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This picture of Michael was taken at Opening Day for Liam and Madi's Little League. The sun is to the left of me cause there to be a hard shadow on his face. Cute picture though.

Third Assignment: IN

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For this assignment she wanted us to take a picture inside of the house. So here is Michael sitting under the dining table. It was the only place where I could get natural lighting without there beig harsh light on his face or lines from the window. I have such a cutie.

Second Assignment: NEW

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For this assignment we were to take a picture of "new." At our Relief Society Activity night this last week we had a Master Gardener come and speak to us about planting our own gardens, then we planted some flowers seeds and brought them home. I'm always so nervous about doing this because I always kill what ever I plant. Yesterday as I went to water my dirt, I found 3 "new" little sprouts! I'm so excited.

First Assignment: OLD

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For this assignment we were to take a picture of something that we interpreted as old. After my dad died a few months ago my sister and I were going through his things. I came across a plastic bag that contained these toys. They were his from his childhood. I am so glad that I have these things to share with my own children.