Monday, May 30, 2011

It's great to be 8!

Look who turned 8 today! We went and took pictures of her in her baptism dress for her program next weekend. I took about 60 pictures, and this one is her favorite and I have to agree. I can't believe that she is old enough to make the decision to be baptized. She had an interview with the Bishop after sacrament meeting and she told me that he asked her just one question, "Why do you want to be baptized?" She responded with "Because Jesus wants me to." Her dad and I are so happy for her decision.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Michael @ 10 months

This is one of my favorite pictures that I've taken.

taken Aug 2010

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fourth Assignment: OUT

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Today was outside. I found this dead leaf amoung my new green leaves on the tree out front. I went to remove it and found out that it's part of a cocoon so I left it alone. I can't wait to find out what is inside. The sun is behind the treen in this photo.

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I took this picture of Liam after our ward's chili dinner on Saturday. It was sunset and the sun is behind me.

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This picture of Michael was taken at Opening Day for Liam and Madi's Little League. The sun is to the left of me cause there to be a hard shadow on his face. Cute picture though.

Third Assignment: IN

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For this assignment she wanted us to take a picture inside of the house. So here is Michael sitting under the dining table. It was the only place where I could get natural lighting without there beig harsh light on his face or lines from the window. I have such a cutie.

Second Assignment: NEW

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For this assignment we were to take a picture of "new." At our Relief Society Activity night this last week we had a Master Gardener come and speak to us about planting our own gardens, then we planted some flowers seeds and brought them home. I'm always so nervous about doing this because I always kill what ever I plant. Yesterday as I went to water my dirt, I found 3 "new" little sprouts! I'm so excited.

First Assignment: OLD

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For this assignment we were to take a picture of something that we interpreted as old. After my dad died a few months ago my sister and I were going through his things. I came across a plastic bag that contained these toys. They were his from his childhood. I am so glad that I have these things to share with my own children.